Cayman Brac
Just 12 miles long and 1.5 miles wide, Cayman Brac or the Brac as it is affectionately called, has something for everyone. There is snorkeling, hiking, rock climbing and bird watching. The signature dive site of the island, the Russian Frigate, the Captain Keith Tibbetts is a haven for small and large critters. It provides the underwater photographer with both wide angle and macro opportunities. For topside adventures, the 144 foot Bluff on the east end provides some awesome views. Take a hike through the Parrot Reserve or travel the path used by the lighthouse attendants in years past.
Little Cayman
Little Cayman is the smallest of the Cayman Islands but that doesn't mean it has less to offer. Bloody Bay Marine Park is renowned for its incredible drop-offs and prolific life. Enjoy swimming through chimneys, cruising with turtles or watching the smaller critters as they scurry along the reef. Topside Little Cayman is home to the largest remaining population of iguanas in the Cayman Islands - be careful if you are driving as iguanas have the right of way! If you are a bird watcher then a visit to the Booby Pond Nature Preserve is a must. It is home to the Caribbean’s largest known nesting colony of Red Footed Boobies and also the Caymans’ only breeding colony of Magnificent Frigatebirds.